7 tips to sleep well while traveling

7 tips to help you to sleep better while traveling

  1. Manage jet lag

  2. Create a sleep travel kit

  3. Get some exercise

  4. Avoid screen time before bed

  5. Create a bedtime routine

  6. Avoid stimulants

  7. Get sleep where and when you can

Sleep is one of the most important processes we go through, it is a chance for our bodies to rest, recover and restore after the day. And it is as important for our mental health as it is for our physical health. According to the National Sleep Foundation sleep also plays a vital role in strengthening and defining our memories. We take in so much information during the day and our brains take the time while we are sleeping to process and store this information. A good night’s sleep is important for staying sharp and focused, both of which are incredibly important if you are about to head into that big sales meeting or meeting a potential client for the first time. Business travelers need to get a good night’s sleep but studies show that this is not the case. According to a global study commissioned by IHG in 2019, 80% of frequent travelers have trouble sleeping when they are away from home and business travelers lose on average 58 minutes of sleep each night! While juggling time zones, early and late flight times and disrupted routines may be inevitable for frequent travelers there are some things every traveler can do to improve their sleep routine. Here are some tips to help you sleep better while traveling.


1. Manage jet lag

Jet lag is a caused by disruption to our circadian rhythm (a 24-hour internal clock that allows your body and brain to cycle between periods of alertness and sleepiness). Travelers experience jet lag when moving between time zones and our circadian rhythm falls out of sync with the world around us. We feel sleepy in the middle of the day and can’t sleep at night leaving us tired and cranky when we need to be focused. Every experienced traveler has their own jet lag fighting tips and tricks, but we at Sanctifly are a fan of following the science. We all use the Timeshifter app to manage our jet lag while traveling. Timeshifter helps you create a personalized jet lag plan so that you can arrive at your best and adjust to new time zones 3 times faster. Sanctifly members can use a Sanctifly pass to get a 12 month membership to Timeshifter. Download the app and check it out!


2. Create a personal sleep kit

Sometimes it’s the little things that make a huge difference, especially when it comes to sleep. Create a sleep kit that is on hand to throw into your luggage and add it to your packing list. A sleep kit will be personal to you, whatever you feel will help you to sleep better while on the road. I include some lavender spray, a sleep mask, ear plugs and some natural sleep aids. Here’s a good tip I recently picked up, start sleeping at home with an eye mask (even if you don’t really need it). By creating this habit, you are signalling to your brain that putting on an eye mask means sleep. When you put in the eye mask while on the road, your body will instinctively start to get ready for sleep.


3. Get some exercise

Countless studies have shown that exercise improves sleep quality and sleep duration. Tiring out your body with exercise not only makes it easier for you to relax, exercise is also a great way to relieve stress. Stress is a common cause of sleep problems and traveling for work can be very stressful. Even just 10 minutes of exercise can have great, lasting effects on both your physical and mental health so make sure you schedule in some exercise time on your next business trip.


4. Avoid screen time before bed

Blue light, which is produced by computer and phone screens mimics daylight and tricks our bodies into reducing the production of melatonin. Melatonin is the hormone we produce in order to make us sleepy and is suppressed during the daytime. When we look at screens just before bed the blue light signals daytime to our brains and bodies and we find it much more difficult to fall asleep. The best way to avoid this happening is to avoid looking at screens before bed. Create a pre sleep routine that does not include looking at your phone and stick to it! Also, add a blue light filter to your phone just in case you slip!


5. Create a routine

Following on from the previous point, creating a bedtime routine will do wonders for regulating your sleep while traveling. Again, it is all about sending signals to the body and the mind to let them know that it is time for sleep. If you do the same things for the hour before your go to bed every day, for example you may brush your teeth, do a skin care routine, read for 30 minutes or whatever else you like to do and then take that routine with you while you travel. Your body will automatically start getting ready for sleep as you go through your routine and you will find it much easier to sleep when you are away from home.


6. Avoid stimulants

This point pretty much goes without saying, stimulants such as alcohol and caffeine make your body alert and awake and make falling asleep much more difficult. The next time you are on a business trip and you want to get a drink opt for a herbal tea instead of alcohol or a coffee. Of course, there will be a time when you fancy a drink, don’t worry we have all been there! Check out this video by Sara Quiriconi, travel wellness expert for Sanctifly on how to have your drink but stay healthy too.


7. Get sleep where you can and when you can

A disrupted and disjointed routine comes with the territory when you are a frequent traveler. Flights leaving at odd hours, time spent waiting in the airport and different time zones do not lend well to a consistent routine. The best way to ensure you get enough sleep is to sleep wherever and whenever you can. Many airport lounges offer sleep rooms for rent and some airports are even beginning to offer sleep pods in the terminal. You can click the ‘Sleep’ option in the Sanctifly app to find all the sleep options available at your preferred airport.

Sleep is so important for a healthy and happy life. Even when things are stressful a good night’s sleep can do wonders to relieve stress and give you a new perspective on a situation. You can sleep and travel better with a Sanctifly membership. We have membership plans for every type of traveler, whether you only travel a few times a year or you travel every week. Download the Sanctifly app today and browse through 2500+ wellness focused locations available at 130+ international airports.

For more great tips on how to sleep better and how to fall asleep faster, check out this article from Sleepreport.
