Do you care about your health and well-being? Here’s what business and leisure travel can do to you.
While travel certainly may benefit your professional status or even be essential in getting you to your next vacation, often it has significant downsides. Even more so, the downsides are related directly to what people are working on optimizing: personal health and wellness.
Recently reported in a survey conducted by YouGov, 20% of business travelers say business travel is bad for employees. While we’ve already compiled a list to work on improving company travel culture, what about personal relationships? Studies have shown that interpersonal stress can be a huge downside to business travel. Spouses and children have to pay the price.
On top of that, both leisure and business travel have negative effects on weight management. Often we are drinking and eating more while exercising less, regardless of what kind of travel experience we may be embarking on.
It’s worth noting, that while there are certainly negative impacts of either type of travel, leisure travel has a redeeming factor. Leisure or vacation travel provides a unique balm to our frenzied schedules. On vacation we slow down, sleep more and are even nicer. All of this adds up to a reduction in stress, overall a huge win for our total health and well-being.
Check out the full infographic below from, The Surprising Effects of Business vs Leisure Travel on Your Health and Well-Being. They’ve illustrated how travel takes a toll on us and even given the magic number of vacation days required to reduce stress.
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